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you can find in us

Hygiene Fresh is recognized as the leading manufacturer, supplier and service provider worldwide for a wide range of state-of-the-art hygiene approaches.

PURELL® & GOJO® technology
The power of PURELL®, the No. 1 hand sanitizer in America, in an environmentally friendly non-aerosol dispenser. The device and the spare parts TFX TM Touch Free are products patented internationally.

For decades, I&M Markou SA has been producing, processing and marketing a wide range of household and professional stationery, cleaning systems, HO.RE.CA consumables and products, as well as packaging paper.

NICOCHEM was founded in 1986 and is active in the production and marketing of chemical products for cleaning, hygiene, disinfection and maintenance, in the fields of food industry, mass catering (HO.RE.CA.), cleaning of business premises and protection of employees.