This Cookies policy to the use of cookies by the website.

The protection of our customers is at the heart of everything we do at and the protection of your data is no exception. We use cookies at to make your visits more effective, so we would like to explain more about the reasons and ways to use them. By using and selecting “ACCEPT” in the pop-up window / banner of the home page, you give your consent to the use of cookies by GOLD SUPPLY, in accordance with the provisions of this Policy and the provisions of domestic law. If you do not agree with the use of cookies by, you should either adjust the settings of your browser accordingly or not use the website For more information on setting up your browser and managing cookies see the “Cookies Management” section below.

However, we inform you that the deactivation or blocking of the cookies we use may affect your browsing experience, access to content provided and the functionality of


What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files, which are transmitted to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website, so that when you visit it again, the system will be able to recognize you. Cookies are not aware of any document or file on your device.


How and why do we use cookies?

Chrisimopoioúme cookies gia na veltiónoume tin empeiría ploígisís sas katá tin epískepsí sas sto kai na diefkolýnoume tin prósvasí sas se orisménes ypiresíes í / kai epimérous selídes tou. volume_up 201 / 5000 Αποτελέσματα μετάφρασης We use cookies to improve your browsing experience during your visit to and to facilitate your access to certain services and / or individual pages. In addition, we use cookies for statistical purposes, to analyze how users interact with our website, in order to improve its effectiveness and functionality.

Categories of cookies used by

  • Necessary Cookies – StrictlyNecessary Cookies
  • Performance Cookies
  • Targeting Cookies

Some of the above are “temporary” cookies, which remain only during your visit to and are deleted at the end of your browsing period. Others are “permanent” cookies, which remain on your device for some time after your departure from and until their manual deletion by you or their deletion from the browser, based on the duration that sets the cookie. Cookies can also be placed by our approved partners and these are known as third party cookies (see below the section on “Third Parties”).


Strictly Necessary Cookies Strong Cookies Cookies

These cookies are absolutely necessary for the operation of They allow your smooth browsing of and access to services and functions provided through it. If you remove or deactivate them we can not guarantee that you will be able to make sufficient use of

Their use by us is, for example, to identify you as linked to the secure parts of the site during your visit or to remember the information you previously entered on a contact form. This information is stored on our secure servers and the cookie contains only a unique reference number that connects you to the stored information when you connect to

We do not use the Essential Cookies to collect information about you for marketing purposes or to track your online activity on other websites.


Cookies Απόδοσης – Performance Cookies

Performance cookies collect anonymous information about how visitors use They allow us to count the number of visitors and see how they navigate, which pages they visited, how long they stayed on them, etc. We use performance cookies to improve the functionality of, to record any errors, to try different designs for our website and to measure the effectiveness of our ads.

Performance cookies do not collect information that could identify you. The information collected by them is either anonymous or pseudonymous.

Examples of cookies in this category that we use:

_ga – Google Analytics


Cookies Στόχευσης / Διαφήμισης – Targeting Cookies

The targeting cookies record your visit to, including the individual pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We use this information to make our website relevant to your interests and to evaluate the effectiveness of our ads on or third party websites. This information may be shared with third parties, including the advertising companies we work with.


Cookies Τρίτων Μερών – Third Party Cookies

These are cookies that may be placed on by third parties (eg Facebook). Third parties may use the data collected through these cookies to provide anonymously targeted ads to you on other websites, using as a basis your visit to

This category also includes cookies used by Google Analytics, which is a web analytics service of Google and which is used by for statistical purposes.

You hereby acknowledge and agree that third party cookies are governed by the third parties themselves and that the ability to change their settings and related restrictions is set out in the respective policies of these third parties.


Other technologies-Pixel Tags

The pages of may contain pixeltags (also known as web beacons / web bugs / tracking pixels / java tags / clear) which allow us as well as partner third parties (eg advertising companies) to collect statistics on with our website and provide anonymously targeted ads. Stis pliroforíes aftés den periéchontai prosopiká dedoména. volume_up 58 / 5000 Αποτελέσματα μετάφρασης This information does not contain personal data.


Cookies management

Browsers usually have settings that take the use of cookies for granted. You can change the settings in your browser to prevent the use of some or all cookies. You can also use these settings to delete cookies. For more information on how to disable or delete cookies, you can refer to the instructions or the “Help” option in your browser.

If you share the use of a computer, accepting or rejecting the use of cookies may affect all users of that computer.

When a cookie is provided by a third party, you can use the tools provided by the third party itself to block this cookie.

For more information on cookies you can also visit
